How well has Two Rivers Mall adapted Technology to enhance customer experience?
By now you already know that the latest Mall in Kenya, Two Rivers Mall, was officially opened to the public on Valentine’s Day. This brings to two the number of malls serving Limuru Road as of now. As of now is a keyword since just not far from the Two Rivers Mall there is another mall, Rosslyn Riviera Mall, that is gearing to grab a piece of the cake.
One of the things I embarked to find at the Two Rivers Mall is how my connected life is going to be taken care of. Now, if you have been to the Village Market, you most certainly know of the open air food court that is centrally located at the Mall. This particular place sits well with me because of the awesome power connection available and of cause the afternoon band sessions. No matter which table I choose there is always a charging socket an arms away. Though the Wi-Fi isn’t that stable, but it will suffice to do the most basic needs.
At Two Rivers Mall you will also find charging sockets which have been integrated into a number of the pillars around. The downside is that you will have to stand next to the pillar as you charge your device. Kind of awkward. Too bad if you had any plans of using your laptop while charging it simultaneously. The Wi-Fi at Two Rivers is also standard. I was able to clock an average of 1.7Mbps connection speed.
Another thing that caught my attention was a certain company by the name ChargerBar Limited. This firm provides safe deposit boxes to hold your phone while it charges. They charge Ksh.1.7 per minute and it has slots for paying with cash notes or coins. Minimum amount is Ksh.20. The machine has not been designed to give back balance so you have to pay the exact machine. No other mode of payment is supported. I enquired about a website for reference, they told me they only have a domain as of now.
That was the very first device to be installed in any Mall. Though they claimed that they were also setting up another one at the Hub, Karen. You get to lock your device in the post like boxes and secure it with a pin. You can go about shopping then come back later, input your pin, pay the necessary dues and voila you get a happy charged phone.
If you are not quite sure of where a particular store is located, you can interact with smart screens situated at each end of the Mall. The smart screen gives you the option of searching be categories, by brand or simply by floor. Once you find the store you would like to visit you hit the Take me there option. This will display your current position, the stores position and an interactive trail of the path you ought to take. Consider it a mini Google Maps. Alternatively, the Mall has a Google Play Store App that you can download. I have not yet given the app a try.
The Mall is massive. Moving from the Northern Tower to the Southern Tower is enough walking exercise. Unfortunately there are no lounge chairs for you to bask in when you need to catch a breath. That is unless you pop into one of the many restaurants. Or better yet head over to the Riverfront.