This is the tweet that may cost Raila the 2017 Presidential elections

Right now, at 18:40 hours, on July 20th 2017, a tweet that may cost Raila Odinga the 2017 Presidential Elections as tweeted through the ODM’s official and verified twitter handle (@TheODMParty) is still up. The tweet reads, “We maintain that we will accept the results of a free, fair, credible and peaceful elections, which can only have one outcome: NASA victory”.

The link to the tweet is provided here below, but if there is no link by the time you are reading this, it must be because the tweet was finally deleted as requested by some NASA followers. In that case, then you’ll refer to the screenshot of the tweet that I have uploaded after the link.


2017 presidential elections

To make sure that the tweet is believable, I have included in the screenshot two tweets that were tweeted before the tweet in question was tweeted, and a retweet sent after the tween in question was put up.

The reason I say this tweet is likely to cost Raila Oding the 2017 presidential elections are the reactions through replies to that tweet. A few are selected for your consideration:

l i t t l e Angel @tonynyonyresa replied, “Who said that in acompetition if not you then its not fair.i was a NASA follower bt due to your careless utterances..i will vote JP.”

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collins Oluoch @collinsOluoch11 added, “NO! credibility is not CONDITIONAL. This in itself is a recipe for violence! Let Kenyans decide. SHAME ON YOU!! Withdraw this tweet.”


Then we have this from TeddyOduorKE @TeddyOduorKE, “Please stop… Im rooting for you guys but what happens if you lose(fairly)? Shall the country burn because of your greed for power?? STOP!!”


The second reason why the tweet is very likely to cost Raila Odinga the 2017 presidential elections is that fact that the tweet has spread like wildfire amongst Jubilee supporters. For example David Maina Ndung’u has shared screenshots of the tweet and selected replies on his Facebook Timeline, and has received overwhelming reactions from his friends and followers. A few NASA supporters who were surprised by the screenshots blamed David for doctoring the tweet, but I maintain that I personally verified the authenticity of the tweet.

It is important to note that whenever NASA cries for a free, fair and credible elections, Jubilee has been counter claiming that what NASA means is that if NASA doesn’t win, then the elections were not free, fair and credible. According to Jubilee, NASA’s continual call for a free, fair and credible elections without clearly stating that Raila will concede defeat if Uhuru wins is a recipe for chaos. Although NASA can maintain that it is more popular than Jubilee on the ground and so a win is assured for the coalition, it is very dangerous to insist that the only outcome of a free, fair and credible elections is a win for NASA.

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Opinion polls including that released yesterday by NASA show clearly that this elections are very close to call, meaning Jubilee Party can also win in a free, fair and credible elections.

Odipo Riaga
Managing Editor at KachTech Media
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