That confusing tweet by President Uhuru Kenyatta that was deleted

The campaigns are in homestretch, and every candidate is going into top gear to woo voters on their side. As the temperatures rise in the campaign trail, candidates are employing all known tactics to both consolidate their support and hopefully turn the hearts of undecided voters to their side, and this presents them with numerous opportunities to make mistakes. We saw one mistake when ODM Party sent out a tweet yesterday that might as well have cost them the presidency. Uhuru Kenyatta, in a strategy to woo undecided voters, has also made his mistake by sending out a confusing tweet that well, is just hilarious.

The confusing tweet by the president read,

You should avoid the mistake you made in 2013 to vote for an opposition that has made you to suffer inefficient service delivery for 4 year.

The tweet has since been deleted. Good news is that I was able to screenshot the tweet just seconds before it was deleted.

What is hilarious about the tweet is the fact that it wasn’t sent to a particular section of the country e.g. to Kenyans residing in an opposition stronghold like Kilifi or Taita Taveta county, but to all Kenyans. In that understanding therefore, it is clear that the President meant that Kenyans voted for an opposition, which four years down the line, has not delivered services.

Although I didn’t screenshot any replies, one reply I was able to read tried to correct the president by replacing the word opposition with the word Government. Thus, according to the reply, the tweet should have read,

You should avoid the mistake you made in 2013 to vote for a Government that has made you to suffer inefficient service delivery for 4 year.

The new tweet could however be much worse than the first, as that would mean the President is blatantly admitting that the government has not only failed to deliver services, but has made Kenyans to suffer.

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After the hilarious tweet was deleted, I expected a correct tweet properly conveying the message the president intended to convey to be put up, but by the time of publishing this article no new tweet in the same lines had been tweeted.

Anyway, I guess what the President meant is that we should not vote in the opposition whose leaders have made our lives miserable in the past, but I may be wrong.

Odipo Riaga
Managing Editor at KachTech Media
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