Moi Out: Retired President Daniel Moi is dead.

Retired President Daniel Moi is dead. President Uhuru Kenyatta issued an official proclamation for the announcement.

Mzee Moi passed on peacefully at the Nairobi Hospital in the early hours of February 4, 2020. President Uhuru Kenyatta declared a period of national mourning, flags have been flown at half-staff in honor of  Baba Moi. Nyayo will receive a state funeral and a committee from the State House led by Joseph Kinyua, the Head of Public Service has been tasked to plan and give directions on the burial plans. Mzee’s body has been moved to Lee Funeral Home for preservations till burial dates.

Kenya’s second President Daniel Toroitich Arap Moi was born the fifth child of Kabon and the Senior Chief Kimoi Arap Chebii on September 2nd, 1924 in Kurieng’wo village, Sacho Division, Baringo County. Moi, a Tugen, -subgroup of the Kalenjin people, was named Toroitich which means to welcome home the cattle. This spotlights how cattle were valued by the people of Baringo in Rift Valley Kenya. At the age of four, Moi’s father died and was left under the care of his only elder brother William Tuitoek Moi.

Tuitoek played a very important role in the life of former President Moi, he influenced him to go to school at an early age, urging him to work hard in order to root out the abject poverty that was hitting the community so bad as a result of colonial injustices in Kenya.

Mzee Moi joined politics in 1955 Moi and was elected Member of the Legislative Council for Rift Valley to replace Dr. John Ole Tameno. He founded the Kenya African Democratic Union (KADU) in 1960 with Ronald Ngala to challenge the Kenya African National Union (KANU) which was led by Mzee Jomo Kenyatta. Kenyatta would then convince Moi to dissolve KADU and join him in KANU after Kenya gained independence on 12 December 1963. Kenyatta made Moi the Minister for Home Affairs in 1964, and then Vice-President in 1967. Moi was elected Member of Parliament for Baringo Central from 1966 until his retirement in 2002.

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When Jomo Kenyatta died on 22 August 1978, Moi became acting president, a special presidential election for the balance of Kenyatta’s term was to be held on 8 November, 90 days later but that never happened. He was, therefore, declared the President unopposed and was sworn in as the second President of Kenya on 14 October 1978. He suppressed the opposition and critics, banning all political movements before beginning his 24-year ruling.

His government was accused of widespread human rights violations, nepotism, assassinations, embezzlement of state funds and land grabbing among many other atrocities. Some however praise and refer to him as an African statesman.



Enock Bett
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Enock Bett

Digital Media Enthusiast|Tech, Business, Corporate Affairs, Politics, and Governance. [No Modes] EMAIL: [email protected]

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