Are you an Equitel Customer? Send your name to 212120 then come back and say “Thank you”

Mshwari is more popular than KCB MPESA or even Equitel Loans because Mshwari is not possessed with Credit Reference Bureaus. The worst is KCB MPESA. Equitel, although relying on CRBs, has come up with a smart partnership to allow any Equitel Customer to check if they are credit worthy.

Any Equitel Customer can now check their credit status and access reports through an SMS service from international credit bureau, TransUnion. They can now access information on their credit status by texting their name to 212120 and then pay a one-off Ksh50 registration fee.

The Nipashe SMS service by TransUnion will enable Equitel Customer to better understand his/her credit status by providing detailed overview of outstanding debts from various financial institutions that are listed by the bureau. The real time visibility of one’s credit status will in turn enable Equitel subscribers manage their credit because one will be able to make informed decisions on when to make applications for credit.

One’s credit status can either be good or on default. The Equitel Customer can also request for a credit report, a document that shows potential and current borrowers standing obligations in great detail.

Additionally users can ask for a clearance certificate, a document that gives a potential borrower a clean bill of financial health, before applying for a loan. Equitel users can use the TransUnion service to manage their credit and increase access to loan facilities.

It is not clear whether those who send their names to 212120 will increase their chances of being given loans by Equity Bank, but one thing is for sure someone who has not been given a loan will understand the reasons why, not through a simple text message telling the Equitel Customer that he or she has been listed by Credit Reference Bureau, but by being given detailed information on why the listing was done in the first place.

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The Nipashe service adds on to a bouquet of newly-introduced services from Equitel including the ability to pay for government services on the eCitizen platform. Equitel recently introduced an EazzyPay Paybill number 206206 on the eCitizen platform that allows for the payment of driving license fees, name and land searches, passport application and business permits

Odipo Riaga
Managing Editor at KachTech Media
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