New Jubilee Campaign Strategy – Create problems for Uhuru to solve

Jubilee is busy, busy creating problems for Uhuru Kenyatta to solve. And this seems to be the new Jubilee Campaign Strategy. Jubilee has already created and solved one – the Maraga Petition. Right now they are into the second problem -the Nairobi Matatu CBD Ban.

The new Jubilee Campaign Strategy is not a new strategy at all. The strategy has been successfully used by discerning men to win the hearts of women over the years. You see, women easily fall in love with problem solvers, not whiners. A man who knows this will secretly create a problem he knows the woman he is eyeing can’t solve, then like a hero offer to solve the problem.

Jubilee Campaign Strategy team has borrowed a leaf from these men where it has embarked on creating problems for the party leader to solve. The first problem was created by Ngunjiri Wambugu when the Nyeri Town MP filed a Petition against Judge David Maraga. The Petition provoked outrage across NASA base and particularly within the Kisii community. When the outrage was at its peak, Jubilee party first distanced itself from the petition before Uhuru Kenyatta came out publicly to ask Ngunjiri Wambugu to drop the Petition, just as Kenyans with an eye into the future had predicted.

I can’t tell whether the Ngunjiri problem has managed to endear Uhuru Kenyatta to Kisii Community, but Jubilee seems to have unleashed another problem meant for Uhuru Kenyatta to resolve – the Matatu CBD Ban problem. The Matatu CBD Ban, in as much as it is being fronted as a solution to Nairobi traffic menace, will not resolve even an iota of Nairobi’s traffic congestion.

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The theory that the Matatu CBD Ban is an artificially generated problem can be supported by the fact that Mike Sonko, as a Nairobi Senator and one of the owners of the Matatus that ply Nairobi routes, opposed the same ban when the former Governor Dr. Evans Kidero tried to implement the ban.

Jubilee has practiced the creation of artificial problems to later solve them. In the run up to August 8th Election, the Problem that Jubilee rode on was the artificial maize flour shortage only to flood the market with the flour one week to the elections. Immediately after the elections, maize availability went to their usual and market driven normal low levels that we were used to before the artificial shortage was created.

Odipo Riaga
Managing Editor at KachTech Media
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